Clinics for diagnosis and treatment gynecology
Clinics with high ratings from patients
Main practice areas include urgent and emergency care, trauma, and minimally invasive orthopedic procedures
- 96% patients recommend
- 79.963 Total patients per year
Multidisciplinary clinic specializing in cardiovascular bypasses and breast cancers
- 97% patients recommend
- 83.556 Total patients per year
This is a interdisciplinary medical center, known for its high-performance scores in treating cancers, cardiovascular and neurological diseases, as well as infertility
- 95% patients recommend
- 201.343 Total patients per year
This interdisciplinary university clinic specializes in transplantations and thoracic surgeries, as well as cancer diagnostics and treatment
- 94% patients recommend
- 344.996 Total patients per year
This interdisciplinary team uses innovative treatment methods in such areas as pediatrics, gynecology, traumatology, cardiology, and pulmonology
- 92% patients recommend
- 78.298 Total patients per year
Practice areas: cancers, heart, nervous system and cardiovascular diseases, and infertility
- 97% patients recommend
- 44.163 Total patients per year
This multidisciplinary clinic specializes in oncology, pediatrics, neurosurgery, and kidney transplantations
- 92% patients recommend
- 324.656 Total patients per year
A clinic, founded two centuries ago, with unique clinical expertise in the fields of oncology, transplantology, cardiology, and neurology
- 93% patients recommend
- 74.933 Total patients per year