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  3. Asklepios Hochwald Orthopedic Hospital

Asklepios Hochwald Orthopedic Hospital Germany, Neustadt in Sachsen

4.8 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

97% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

  • The clinic conducts scientific research and clinical studies

Asclepios Hochwald is a specialized orthopedic clinic in Saxony. It treats both adults and children with orthopedic and rheumatic diseases.

The clinic meets the highest standards of medical care and follows all guidelines issued by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the Alliance for Patient Safety.

More about the clinic

Asclepios Hochwald treats all musculoskeletal diseases, while focusing on knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, finger and heel joint replacements. Its capabilities in the field of joint replacements have been confirmed by a certificate naming it a recognized prosthetics center.

In 2015, the clinic instituted the spine health center that deals with all types of spine diseases and traumas. Patients are treated by an interdisciplinary team that includes orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, therapists, and psychologists.

The clinic pays a lot of attention to the quality of patient care and transparent communications. All medical procedures are discussed in detail to make sure that everybody understands what medical problems will be treated and how. In addition to this, patients receive notices that include information about their treatment. This way, every patient is in full control of his or her treatment.

After surgery patients are monitored very closely. They have full access to all resources needed to restore mobility and, when necessary, around-the-clock nurse assistance.

The clinic also pays a lot of attention to patients' safety. Before surgery, every patients receives a digital monitoring bracelet that contains all the necessary information. This prevents communication problems and confusion even when the patient is asleep.


  • Since 2012, Asklepios Hochwald has ranked by Focus among top 100 clinics in Germany every year.
  • The clinic is certified by the German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery as the Center for Endoprosthetic Surgery.

The most effective surgeries and procedures

  • Knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, finger and ankle joints endoprosthesis: replacement of damaged joints with endoprosthesis.
  • Hip arthroscopy: endoscopic method to precisely diagnose joint issues and to conduct surgeries.


In the early ХХ century, there was a recreational facility with medical services for lung diseases at the site of the clinic. By the middle of the 1970s, the facility was gradually reorganized into a district orthopedic and rehabilitation clinic. Thus, a new specialized orthopedics and rheumatic orthopedics clinic began its work, that became well-known far beyond the borders of Saxony. Since 1998, The Hochwald Clinic has been part of Asklepios. The campus was fully renovated under a strict supervision of the environmental protection authorities, so that the unique architecture of the 1900s was preserved.


The patients enjoy free radio, TV and the Internet. The menu has options for diabetics; however, any preferences will be taken into account, unless they do not contradict the therapy. The clinic also has a canteen, where guests may have a snack or a full lunch or dinner.


The clinic is located not far from the Saxon capital, Dresden, nearby National Park of Saxon Switzerland. The campus is located in the forest park among the pristine nature in the great climate conditions.