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GLG Werner Forßmann Clinical Center Eberswalde Germany, Eberswalde

4.9 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

97% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

    The Werner Forssmann Hospital GLG Barnim. Werner Forssmann is part of the GLG network, the largest health care provider in the northeast part of Brandenburg. It consists of 5 hospitals: The GLG Barnim Werner Forssmann Hospital in Eberwald, Germany. Werner Forssmann Hospital in Eberswalde with diverse clinical departments and centers; the GLG Martin Gropius Hospital in Eberswalde, which focuses on psychiatry, psychosomatics, psychotherapy and neurology; the GLG Prenzlau County Hospital, whose physicians provide 24-hour emergency care; the GLG Angermünde Hospital; the GLG Walletsee Rehabilitation Center.

    At the GLG Barnim Hospital of Werner Forssmann there are highly qualified doctors. The Werner Forssmann Hospital has 295 highly qualified, experienced physicians and 315 nurses. It works closely with foreign specialists, e.g., physicians from the U.S. and is an academic hospital of the Charité hospital complex in Berlin.

    The clinic is named after Werner Forssmann, a German surgeon and urologist, who served many years as an assistant in the hospital's surgical department. During an experiment on himself in 1929, the urologist inserted a catheter made of vulcanized rubber into his heart under the control of X-rays, survived and conducted the experiment nine more times. In this way, Werner Forssmann laid the foundation for modern diagnostics and therapy in cardiology, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1956.