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  3. University Hospital Jena

University Hospital Jena Germany, Jena

4.7 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

95% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

  • 10 awards and certificates
  • The clinic conducts scientific research and clinical studies

The Jena University clinic is located in Thuringia, in the central part of Germany. This is the largest regional clinic and one of the most advanced medical centers in Germany. The clinic was founded more than 200 years ago and has been keeping pace with medical progress ever since. This helps the clinic offer medical services that meet the most stringent international standards.

Advanced equipment, digital technologies and expert personnel attract patients from all over Germany, as well as international patients.  The clinic treats every case on an individual basis and pays attention to both physical health and psychological and emotional state of all patients, thus improving treatment and rehabilitation outcomes.
