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Wels-Grieskirchen Clinic Austria, Wels

4.6 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

89% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

    The Wels-Grieskirchen Clinic is located in the Austrian, Wels, on an area of more than 109,000 square meters and is the largest hospital in the region. In addition to the main building, the clinic also has a branch in Grieskirchen. It works closely with general practitioners and services of the medical and nursing teams as well as with many other providers of health and social services. Today, the center has the capacity to admit 1,248 visitors for single inpatient treatment.

    The hospital is staffed by some 4,000 highly qualified specialists, including 600 physicians in various fields and 1,400 specially trained nurses. The specialists at the center regularly undergo training, attend seminars and lectures in order to improve their qualifications. The entire clinic team treats the guest with special care, while respecting the religious views of each of them.