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Sana Hospital Hof Germany, Hof

4.5 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

94% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

  • 2 awards and certificates
  • Academic clinical hospital
  • The clinic conducts scientific research and clinical studies

Sana Hof is part of the Sana Hospital Group, one of the best three German providers of comprehensive medical services. This multidisciplinary clinic works in 33 fields of medicine and is one of the largest in Bavaria. Sana Hof is a teaching hospital that trains Nurnberg University students.

The clinic is home to interdisciplinary intestine, breast, pancreas and prostate cancer centers. They hold regular cancer conferences, where enhanced interdisciplinary teams develop individualized treatment strategies for each and every patient.



  • DMU Medical - Лечение в Германии без посредников, цены клиник, отзывы пациентов

    Certified prostate cancer center

  • DMU Medical - Лечение в Германии без посредников, цены клиник, отзывы пациентов

    Certified intestinal cancer center