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Sana Hospital Benrath Germany, Düsseldorf

4.6 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

90% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

    The Sana Benrath Clinic is considered one of the most modern hospitals in Düsseldorf. Here, 94 doctors work in 10 departments and 6 specialty centers, providing high-quality medical care based on the latest scientific findings. Sana attaches great importance to further training and continuing education of the specialists as well as to regular dialogue and ongoing exchange of experience among the members of the respective medical departments. All this allows us to provide the most effective and safest treatment to our patients.

    The Benrath Clinic is part of the Sana Düsseldorf Group, which also includes the Sana Gerresheim Clinic. Together, the two hospitals treat about 90,000 patients each year: 65,000 outpatients and 25,000 inpatients.