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Sana Hospital Gerresheim Germany, Düsseldorf

4.6 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

92% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

    The Sana Gerresheim Clinic is a modern hospital in Düsseldorf, built in 2012. It can accommodate 250 inpatients at a time and has seven state-of-the-art operating theaters and an intensive care unit.

    Every year more than 50,000 different procedures according to the latest international medical standards are carried out at the clinic. The high quality of services is guaranteed by the highly qualified doctors, many of whom have been repeatedly awarded by the authoritative magazine Focus.

    The Sana Gerresheim Clinic is part of the Sana Düsseldorf Group, to which the Sana Benrath Clinic belongs. Together, the two hospitals treat about 90,000 patients each year: 65,000 outpatients and 25,000 inpatients.