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Sana Hospital Munich Germany, München

0 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

    The Sana Specialty Orthopedic Hospital Munich offers high quality medical treatment, professional care, a pleasant atmosphere and conditions for a speedy recovery. The clinic focuses on orthopedics and traumatology, where specialists at the clinic treat and perform various surgical interventions for diseases and injuries of the knee, hip and shoulder joints as well as the back, hand and foot.

    The clinic's staff consists of highly qualified medical personnel. Doctors regularly attend advanced training courses at the best medical centers of Europe. Sana Hospital Munich also cooperates closely with other orthopedic clinics, including the Orthopedic Surgery Center Munich (OSM), to provide patients with the widest range of orthopedic services.