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Sana Hospitals Duisburg Germany, Duisburg

4.5 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

95% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

    Sana Duisburg Hospitals is owned by the Sana Hospital Group, one of the largest private hospital groups in Germany with 56 world-class hospitals. Sana Hospital Group's mission is to provide specialized, high-quality medical care to patients from around the world.

    Sana Duisburg Hospital Group consists of two hospitals: the Wedau Clinic, which focuses on neurological diseases, neurosurgery and microvascular interventions, and the Psychiatric Department of the Bertha Hospital in Duisburg-Reinhausen. The hospital also operates its own training center.

    Sana Duisburg clinics specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the most common pathologies and diseases, serving patients at all stages of life: from birth to old age. Specialty medical centers at Sana Duisburg include the Neuro Center, the Level I Perinatal Center, the Chronic Pain and Neuromodulation Center, the Regional Trauma Center, the Sleep Medicine Center and the Obesity Center.

    Sana Duisburg employs around 1,600 people, many of whom are well known outside of Germany. Among them is the world-renowned and experienced neurosurgeon Martin Scholz, as well as neuroradiologist Prof. Friedhelm Brassel. To treat diseases and diagnose them at an early stage, the specialists use their own scientifically developed methods, which have been recognized internationally.