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Sana Hospitals Sommerfeld Germany, Kremmen

4.7 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

93% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

    The Sana Hospitals Sommerfeld complex is located 30 km from Berlin and is a specialized orthopedic hospital with surgical and non-surgical treatment of the musculoskeletal system. One of the special features of the clinic is the carefully coordinated and harmonized treatment concept, which is ensured by the therapeutic and nursing units as well as the close integration with other clinics in the area. This approach ensures the most comfortable care and comprehensive treatment for the patient.

    The Sana Hospitals Sommerfeld has approximately 396 employees, many of whom improve their skills and experience at the best universities in Europe and abroad. Specialists at the hospital perform operations on all types of limb joints and spinal interventions, and in 99% of cases the rehabilitation period is without any complications.