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University Hospital Halle (Saale) Germany, Halle (Saale)

4.1 Clinic rating

We consider around 100 indicators from the clinic's annual reports.

90% patients recommend

Data based on feedback from patients treated here

  • 13 awards and certificates
  • The clinic conducts scientific research and clinical studies

The clinic is affiliated with the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. It is located in the historic town of Halle, not far from the Saale River. The clinic has its own diagnostic facilities, specialty departments, and research centers. Ongoing interaction between medical practitioners and researchers encourages advanced medical studies, whose successful outcomes are immediately incorporated into day-to-day practice.

Being a multi-practice medical institution, the clinic holds regular medical conferences related to the most challenging cases, where experts from many fields of medicine develop the best diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation plans working as a team.
